Thursday, November 7, 2019

Ram Mandir

The re-building of Temple at Sri Rama Janm Bhoomi in Ayodhya is a national goal of an overwhelming majority of Indians.

The goal must, however, be accomplished legally and with maximum possible consensus.

The re-building of the Rama Temple thus is part of our renaissance.
It also means righting a historical atrocity on the Hindu people who is 82.5% of India

Sri Aurobindo had once said: “All great movements of life in India has begun with the new spiritual thought and usually a new religious activity”.

Sri Rama is the spiritual head of India.

It is both unfortunate and a travesty of history that re-building of Ram Temple at Ayodhya has been mired in controversy since the time immemorial and over a period of time historians especially the leftist jholawalas have painted a distorted picture.

Mark Twain had once said that “It is a lot easier to mislead the people than convince them that they are misled”. This is the reality about the Ram Temple in Ayodhya

Lucknow Bench of Allahabad High Court pronounced in its verdict on September 30, 2010 that the disputed site is nothing but the temple of Ram Lala and a sacred place for crores of Hindus and therefore, should be granted to the Hindus. The High Court’s decision was based on a report submitted by the ASI’s excavation team constituted by the order of the court. During the excavation at the disputed site, the ASI found the remains were of a temple that was destroyed and over which, a mosque was constructed

Now despite the Allahabad High Court verdict, The Indian academic scenario is so gripped by the leftist ideology that the people associated with it are unable to think beyond the assumed canons.

 Other points of view are not entertained and anything that doesn’t fit their 150-year-old Marxist framework can’t be either objective or true.

Conversely, they are ready to dole out a hundred fabrications to prove what they think ‘should’ be right.

The said decision of Allahabad High Court has since then been challenged in Supreme Court and we are all waiting with bated breath its outcome

Whereas we all should respect the verdict of the Supreme Court and our reactions to the said verdict should always be measured and proportionate

Ram Temple is a matter of HINDU AASTHA and all others should respect such AASTHA of the Hindus.

It was no less than Gandhiji who once said “The general spirit of India was most vividly reflected in the Ramayana”.

It is a great misfortune of the nation that on this land we have to prove the existence of Ram again and again.

The evidence submitted by ASI again prove that the Ram Janmbhumi temple was situated on the site for hundreds of years before it was demolished by Babar to build the disputed structure.

Undoubtedly, the mosque was built to show the supremacy of the victors and to crush both the faith and the spirit of the inhabitants of this sacred land.

All said and done, the wait is almost over, The Supreme Court shall pronounce their verdict within a few days

We should keep our fingers crossed and our celebrations humble.



Tuesday, June 21, 2016

Father Jorris, St Xavier's College, Calcutta



Father Jorris has been a Cult figure in the realm of education and especially a person responsible for making St Xavier"s college Calcutta what it is today, taking it to the pinnacle of its glory.

Long back St.Xavier's College was not a Co-ed institution and over a period of time, its Science and Arts faculties were turned into Coeducation.

The Commerce brats got exasperated at such a decision since they had to suffer and take the canteen route to see the beauties of Calcutta.(Yours sincerely was also a member of the commerce faculty)

They finally decided to meet Father Jorris to air their grievances; they asked him why this step motherly treatment to the commerce boys whereas the guys from science and arts were having the fun time??

Father Joris was at his best and he listened carefully to all of them and slowly took them all towards the front gate of  St. Xavier's college. 

Now all those who know the College are aware that there is Police Station just opposite the College Gate (Park Street Police Station)


Little wonder that the gang disappeared.

Today Father Jorris is not in this world but his contribution to the Institution of Education in general and Xavier's, in particular, cannot be overemphasized.


Saturday, June 18, 2016


Speech Giving Has Never Been My Forte`.

But then no one asks me to give speeches,so to begin this blog with the caveat as above is redundant.

Who in their right mind would take such a big risk? (Of Inviting Me)

But I love listening to speeches,especially the ones that you get to listen to during the speech seasons,(May-June) when the academic sessions come to an end and the youth starts graduating from one class to other/or when you see the making of Doctors,Engineers,MBAs .

Now,these Academic Institutes have a way to deliver degrees to the students,with lectures from high and mighty for the one last time before they arrive in the realm of everyday humdrum of their lives.

The Speakers are usually Politicians/Bureaucrats/CEO of Business houses,depending on the standing such Institutes have in the Public Arena.

The Idea of this blog is not to bisect what they say during such lectures but to give a birds eye view of what I think of the speeches they deliver; in a sense a feedback to all those who have taken upon their shoulders to LECTURE the FUTURE GENERATION.

Here are my two bits  :

Let me Begin with the Politicians:

Sir,Namaste Ji.Tea ? Coffee ? No ? Okay...We all were really impressed with your speech in which spent approximately 50% of your time invoking the great deeds done by our great leaders,Mahatma Gandhi,Nehru Ji and others,quoted them extempore.How they all fought to gain the freedom for this country.We were all also impressed when you said that you have immense faith in the YOUTH of this Nation.


Our egos bloated.You want us all to work for the good of this Country.


But when we step into the realm of this world we see nothing moving.Politics is just strict NO NO since our forefathers or for that matter,our fathers were never ever remotely connected to anything Political.

Unless and until we have two generations wholly ingrained in the Business of Politics, we are disqualified to serve this nation with the education degrees we hold so reverently.

Your sugar coated pious sermons fall flat in the face of the reality which you all have collectively created to suit your own selfish ends.

You also failed to inform us,Sir,that Nephews and Sons-in-Laws play an important part in decision making and it is they and only they who are eligible to increase their net worth by 5000% in flat 5 years and without any sort of help from even God Almighty.

All Banana.No Republic

Your speech disheartened us Sir,but we"ll still offer you that Tea, Sir.

I am truly disappointed to invoke Mark Twain,but shall do so nonetheless:

"It is by the goodness of God that in our country we have those three unspeakably precious things: freedom of speech, freedom of conscience, and the prudence never to practice either of them"

Thank you,Sir,for being in time to deliver the speech which your two undersecretaries prepared burning the midnight lamp while you were busy discussing the Industrial Policy of the nation in some posh Gymkhana Club over Single malt Whisky and Reshmi Kababs. We appreciate your time and genuine concern to address us all newbies who are going to take over the mantle of this country,some as doctors,engineers,entrepreneurs.

We all loved the topic of ethic and integrity which you invoked in your speech. You liberally quoted the virtues of punctuality and hard work.We also loved the way you felt about how the Corruption is eating into the very fiber of this country and has been all pervasive.We also were impressed to hear that how a YOUNG INDIA can work wonders if and only if there is genuine try for doing what you love to do best. (A la 3 Idiot style).You also highlighted the fact that how widespread entrepreneurship helps in creating millions of Jobs this country badly needs.

Blah Blah Blah


But Sir,as you are truly engrossed in your day to work,and since the mantle of the whole ministry revolves around you and you also have to take care of that *EXTRA* curricular activity that your Mantriji wants you to do (Like checking whether mantriji's wife got right car for her shopping and whether his son who checked at the discotheque last night is back home safely without molesting a girl or two, you have possibly missed a point or two ..

Let me take this opportunity to remind you what all u missed:

You missed telling us all that how many applications will you require in triplicate for a simple work license that we need to start a simple industry.You also missed telling us that "Single Window Clearance" was a concept initiated by some Over Enthusiast Babu while he was in an inebriated state and was overwhelmed by his desire to please the foreign investors,but in effect when translated into Hindi it means that "you all are morons that nothing moves unless the palms are greased sufficiently"

You also missed giving us the "Rate Card" for different work and the indefinite time limit that your ministry takes since the said application has to be vetted by at least three undersecretaries and their peons and at least two cats and dogs of mantriji who are *expert* in all things under the Sun.And that each one's opinion has a price tag.

We are disheartened again, Sir,

Much as I would love not to invoke Dale Carnegie,I am forced to do so Sir,with a heavy heart.
"There are always three speeches, for every one you actually gave. The one you practiced, the one you gave, and the one you wish you gave"
You Fail Us All.Sir.

And Finally the CEO of a hugely Successful Family Run Business:

Respected Sir,You've been our role models from the day we started scribbling A B C D in our nursery classes. We've read about you all that is available there and how you started your work from a scratch and today are at the helm.A truly Rags to Riches story.

You in your speech delved mostly on professional work ethics and how the birth of an individual in a particular family is not important but only the hard work and will to succeed is important.

We also heard you say that the Future of this country is in our hands.

How if we apply our brains properly sky is the limit.

But in your enthusiasm,here's what you missed out:

You failed to inform us all how your great grandfather groomed your dad and you in turn your son who shall be the future CEO of your company,who is busy doing his MBA in some fancy University in Timbuktu and is getting his apprenticeship done in some Las Vegas Casino.

You failed to inform us names with detailed telephone nos of your bed-fellows,who all helped you getting those lucrative contracts for peanuts while you kept their coffers brimming.You also failed to inform us that "money and milk of human kindness do not gel well"

What we all needed,Sir,was a trick or two to circumvent the ways to get the things done,that I am sure is nowhere in the course books.

In Indian Context,Sir we all feel that there should be a full-fledged chapter on it of 100 Marks.

You disappointed us all Sir....

Much as I would not like to invoke Mahatma Gandhi,Sir,but deem it necessary to do so.
"We do not need to proselytise either by our speech or by our writing. We can only do so really with our lives. Let our lives be open books for all to study"
Apart from the above some minute inadvertent hiccups, over all the speeches were all good and we are all very sure that it will make us all good human beings...

Maybe, next year around you will be more forthright and true to your own selves.

Or Else the said academic institutes may think of calling a Rakhi Sawant or a Tushar Kapoor to give the speeches.Won"t know about the contents but at least they will be HONEST...

Thank You all Sirs,Once Again.

You all make us and our country proud...

Sincerely Yours...

Friday, August 22, 2014

Lighten Up Lives

“Jodi tor đak shune keu na ashe tôbe êkla chôlo re”,  roughly translated into English it means "If no one responds to your call, then go your own way alone"    

This Patriotic song was penned by non other than Nobel Laureate Rabindra Nath Tagore in the year 1905.The song exhorts the listener to continue his or her journey, despite abandonment or lack of support from others. The song is often quoted in the context of political or social change movements.

But that was then,because we all know that if you are out to do a humanitarian activity and especially with organizations like Rotary, this Ekla Chalo re will not do,since we all need support of society at large.

Rotary basically is an organisation for Humanitarian Service.It acts as an bridge between haves and have-not. And like in any other humanitarian activity one man army is never enough.

Sahir Ludhiyanvi,the famous lyricist had written a beautiful song long back for a film “Naya Daur”,that to my mind sums up the very ethos of Rotary.

“Saathii Haath Badhanaa, Saathii Haath Badhanaa
Ek Akelaa Thak Jaae To, Milakar Bojh Uthaanaa
Sathi Hath Badhana …

Long back in one of my blog page I had written “ Man is gregarious by nature,and aloneness militates against sociability.”

We all are creatures of society and therefore,should give back to society in our small little way,what ever we can.

And What better forum that Rotary.

Rotary is a service club. Its business is mankind. Its product is service. Rotarian provide community service to both local and international communities. This is perhaps the best reason for becoming a Rotarian: the chance to do something for somebody else; to sense the self-fulfillment that comes in the process; and the return of that satisfaction to one's own life. It is richly rewarding.

Rotary is an Open Club.Rotary has no secret handshake, no secret policy, no official creed, no secret meeting or rituals. It is an open society of men and women who simply believe in helping others.

The month of August is marked as Membership and Extension Month.Let us all put our heads together and ask good citizens to join Rotary.

You know,when we embark on the journey of enrolling new members, the common refrain we all face is "I am alone in my business/Profession.No time”

That is the first hurdle we all have to overcome.Most of the time it turns out that the person we are talking to are not aware of Rotary’s plans and programs.I am sure once they are properly educated about the benefits of joining Rotary,their objections whatever they be ,will surely go away and they shall contribute to the organisation in their own little ways.

I sometimes feel that we don’t ASK enough.

Billi Wittich,Past President of Rotary Club of California (USA) puts it very succinctly “How do you invite someone to join Rotary ?? Just Ask”

This act of just asking someone to join Rotary is not given adequate importance. We are all surrounded by people from every walks of life.How many times do we ask some one to join Rotary?? Try doing it.Believe you me,Results will be fantastic
Just ask someone “ Why are you not a Rotarian ? And nine out of ten people will tell you “Oh ,we have heard about Rotary,but really do not know what they did or were “
And it is here, dear Rotarian we have all to pitch in and explain the benefits of being a Rotarian, and once inducted, ensure that they stay for ever.

I Guess the key to membership is to ASK and EXPLAIN.

So let us all join our hands together and endeavor to lighten up as many lives as we can.Remember, not with Ekla chalo re, but with our sathis together.

There is nothing more fulfilling than to lighten up some soul.

Giving is fulfilling.

Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Six Packs crying hoarse !

Truth be told. Once upon a time I was an owner of those wonderful six packs.( No,this is not an April Fool Joke,Seriously). I loved it so much that I decided to hide it below layers of fat, for God knows how long. When still young they were there for all to see, not any more.

Then, one day, I look down and there is a little bulge above my waistline. What's that, I wonder? Where did that come from, and why is it there? I don't like it, so I go to the gym or for a run or cut back on Chocolates and ice cream. But still, those pants that fit last summer are so darn tight. It must be the dryer, I say to myself, damn that shrinking cotton. Or maybe there are tiny creatures in my closet that sew my clothes each night a little tighter. No matter how hard you try they have a life of their own.Stubborn.The bulge gets larger and larger.

And in the hurly burly of the daily life routine I almost forgot all about them. Poor creature (Six packs).I should have taken proper care of them and should have shown them the light of the day. And now, those six packs of mine have started crying hoarse. They have put their foot down and are screaming and shouting ad nauseam.

”We’ve had enough of it,' they surmise, “You don’t expect us to stay there hidden below your layers of fat for all time to come. We have a life of our own which we would like to flaunt too.’

Now this was getting out of hand, I thought. I've tried sit-ups (doesn't work), yoga (nothing). Maybe one of my friends would know what to do? (They didn't). Maybe Oprah had the secret solution? (Nope).

I sought wife’s advice as to how to go about it: “Avoid walking towards the fridge more often, for all I know that walking more often to fridge is not considered as exercise “

Okay.Point taken.Next.”You should not make your own tea first thing in the morning!

But what has the morning tea got to do with my fat around the girth? I ask of her.

It’s not morning tea that is harmful, but the trouble is the moment you take that milk out of the fridge and then you see that malai , there lays the trouble. Again seeing that malai is not harmful, but the problem with you is that you eat it too..That is why I say you should not make your morning tea”

Damn. Now I know where that SATAN called FAT resides…In my fridge and specially in that malai.

You know I have developed this phobia for weighing scales too. Now there are people who would just hop onto the weighing scale without much ado, even after a seven course dinner and still weigh 500gms more or less. 

And when I step on the scale. I do so lightly (no pun intended). I need a proper emotional preparation before I embark upon a weighing scale. I cross my finger,say a small prayer, wear the lightest of clothes, remove my shoes, If I could temporarily donate a kidney, I would, so that the weighing scale does not tilt too much towards the right. But to no avail. And I always come down cursing the scale!!

Be still my beating heart. Where’s my nerve tonic? “Things are not bad as you assume. You will make it. All is well, All is well” I murmur.

I then seriously resolved that enough is enough.

I started calling shots and explained it to the bulge that I am not taking it lying down and it should know who the BOSS is. The Gym timing was considerably enhanced.(I would even sleep on a treadmill if need be). Walks to fridge cut down by almost half. The morning tea sans malai was the order of the day. The trick seems to be working. Showing VISIBLE results.

One reason for my more than reasonable shaping up is also attributed to the month of March, an examination season when Junk foods are avoided so that the child does have all the healthy food and in my case specially it was the March Fever, where in you are suppose to do the LUNGI DANCE. Paying taxes and balancing accounts kept me so busy that food was the last thing on my agenda.

Now having shaped up let me wallow a bit in my new found vanity and flaunt till it lasts.May be taking a couple of Selfies will massage my ego.

Having gained that tag of healthy(errm),now if only I could figure out how to be wealthy and wise,life would be really good.

Until such time please bear with my stupidity.!!

Tuesday, March 25, 2014

An Open Letter to the Citizens of Japan,Adopt our PM !!

My dear Citizens of Japan

We are told that you have a notorious record of having a new PM every year (almost)

Take the unusually long tenure of Junichiro Koizumi (2001-2006) out of the equation, and 14 Prime Ministers have lasted a total of 17 years.

And how many PM has Britain had in the last 30 years since 1980? And the answer is only 5.

We are told that the strength of Japan’s political dynasties is a major driver in the almost annual procession of weak, mostly forgettable figures in and out of the country’s highest office. Because many politicians inherit their positions, they are not forced to cultivate leadership skills or learn to win popular support.

That You refer to the sons of the rich as obo-chan – and it’s a phrase that’s been thrown at the most recent quartet of short-lived prime ministers, who many felt were out of touch with ordinary people.

Going through the above it almost seems that when it comes to Politics ..It’s almost same …Be it India or Japan…

We are told that it is the “Powerful Press” and a vibrant and ever agile society in your country that would take absolutely no nonsense lying low…Which means you have within your society an Anna Too many..

But the purpose of my letter today is not to find fault with Japan...The land of Rising Sun...

The purpose of this letter is to advise the People of Japan that Post Tsunami and other disastrous Nature’s fury that you face every year (or should I say every day) with religious regularity even we as Indians feel that your Resilience has stretched a bit too far…And changing Prime Minister every year or so is taking its toll too…

We in India have a Prime Minister, Dr. Manmohan Singh…The Economist Par Excellence ‘

Since you have an economy which once was “Shining “ and is now in Dumps and in Quagmire which possibly even the most diehard optimist won’t be able to pull it out.

Why not use the services of our PM? (Dr ManMohan Singh or MMS as we all fondly call him)

We the People of India have decided to “LEND” (Or For Forever keep sake if you may so Like) you Our Reverend Prime minister...He can really work wonders with your economy…He has Rendered Yeomen’s service to our Nation.

If You see India’s Growth story growing at 8 % and Shining and Clamoring its shoulders with your Irritant Neighbour China It is all because of this ONE MAN ARMY (Don’t ask about the Inflation and BPL card Holders) You as a country who have not seen Inflation since God Knows How Long (Being Recession/Deflation Infested) and BPL you won’t care since it is India Centric Semantics’ which I am sure You Japanese could do without..(The growth faltered post 2009,thanks to lots of scams that u too have in your country in abundance)

His another greatest Trait is That He is Silent…and I am told the Japanese are a silent lot also...Years ago a friend of mine told me that it is difficult to read a Japanese’s Mind …I am sure he fits your bill Perfectly..

He has not opened opened his mouth even for ordering snacks and drinks without asking Sonia G.(In your case you have your dynasty too)

His Third Trait “Always in Submission to the Dynasty he Serves”Now since your Prime minister is appointed by the Emperor of Japan after being designated by the Diet from among its members, I am sure he will be the most suitable Candidate. He can do wonders when It comes to serving under the Dynasty...No one can beat him in this game of ‘SERVITUDE”

His fourth Trait: He would not even once look back and see who the hell is shooting using his shoulders…he is Mr. Silent and shall remain ever faithful as always with a Poker face.

He is immune to sledging.Which means no matter how much you criticise him,he shall steadfastly stay put in his chair.Our Opposition leader Mr Advani is almost on verge of retirement trying to sledge him but to no avail.

Now Iam sure there is nothing that should stop you from ADOPTING our PM and do away with changing your PMs as often as a newlywed mother changes the Nappies of her new born.

This is not all.

 We the people of India are also ready to SWAP our PM with your “Tsunamis and floods”

We the People of India sincerely feel and hope that your Natural Disasters shall be less of a Disaster to all of us...And being a Resilient Lot we can always do with small dose of disasters...

You will appreciate that for a Young Nation Like ours (only 65 years Old) it is too much to handle an Overwhelming Manmade Disaster called Manmohan Singh.

Looking forward to a long and lasting relationship for Mutual Benefit…If you feel our offer is slightly less attractive please be free to call or contact us..

In this age of BUY ONE get ONE FREE,We might even think of SUGAR COATING it a wee bit by adding a RAHUL GANDHI and a Digvijay Singh FREE with Manmohan Singh…

Hope you will consider our Proposal Favorably

Thanking you

We the People Of India

Friday, February 28, 2014


Post ShivRatri fast the first thing that came to my mind is why do we fast ?

"I'll fast today"I announce."Me Too" adds my daughter on an asthami day when my wife is fasting.

We are both excited about the fasting thing for the simple reason that when it comes to fasting,its more of feasting, with different dishes on table than a normal day.

Among us Gujaratis there is saying,"Gujarati ni aankh ne modhu saathe khule".Roughly translated it means:"Ours eyes and mouths open together first thing in the morning"

A Gujarati can't savor his morning tea without his theplas.

Wikipedia defines fasting as :Fasting is primarily an act of willing abstinence or reduction from certain or all fooddrink, or both, for a period of time. An absolute fast is normally defined as abstinence from all food and liquid for a defined period, usually a single day (24 hours), or several days. Other fasts may be only partially restrictive, limiting particular foods or substances. The fast may also be intermittent in nature

Typically, religious fasting is undertaken with the purpose of going closer to God and one is expected to engage in spiritual pursuits and prayers. Also it is healthy to fast periodically as one grows older.

Some say,Fasting allegedly gives you miracle power.So,Next time you need a mountain moved, call a modeling agency to have them send over one of their girls to do the job.

Some preachers are so far gone they think personal sin doesn’t matter as long as they skip lunch the next day to show God how sorry they are till the next pretty dish comes along to tempt them.

In India with surfeit of Gods if we all started propitiating each of them we shall end up eating nothing all 365 days of the year.

Sometimes I ask myself a very simple question:Why did God give us teeth if chewing is such a sin? Why didn’t He just give us a gas tank like a car, so we could just go guzzle our dinner at Bharat Petroleum ?

Don’t dig your spiritual grave with your own teeth. Lay down your fork and pick up your straw.

Preachers tell you to at least fast till sunset. So what if you live up in Alaska where the sun doesn’t set in summer for months on end?  Does God expect you to kill yourself?

For me fasting has always been till the break fast.Or more often,that 10 minutes that missus takes in making the plates at the dining table.Those ten minutes are the longest time doing a penance of some sort.

Personally I have nothing against people doing their fasting. Morari Bapu who has been giving 9 day-long sermons (kathaas) in both Gujarati and Hindi all over the world—is strictly against fasting.He has in his many sermons mentioned that he himself does not fast for a single day in all 365 days except on Hanuman Jayanti.

But there are all kinds and its basically the religious strictures that have made this fasting thing so popular.Santoshi Mata movie did such a raving business in India and thereafter almost half of India went viral doing that Santoshi Mata Vrats on every Friday.

Personally I have nothing against such beliefs.I am more of "To each his own" kind of person.

I remember sometimes on a strict fast, I would raid that fridge midnight and gorge 6000 calories to make up for the 2000 calories I lost  not eating during the day light hours !!

Fasting is not restricted to the Hindus alone. All major religions have fasting in some form or the other. Christians fast during Lent and Muslims during the month of Ramzan.  Muslims are allowed to eat before sunrise and after sunset, but forgo even water during the day, which can be really tough since the month typically falls during summer. Jains have several ways of fasting too.

Do you feel that one can get closer to God only by fasting?

My mantra:Eat,drink and be merry...till gluttony do us apart.

F(e)asting through Feasting ;-)