I completed my descent into cynicism,and I personally don't feel it can go further down.It reached such a rock bottom that even the Rupee called me up on my cell to ask as to how it feels being there at the bottom.
But frankly I am in no jovial mood today.Desperation is writ large all over my face.
I would there fore not crib today about all that is wrong with the society and country at large..
Today I will not crib as to why I live in a country where a girl called Nirbhaya (yes our politicos coined this word so that they are seen doing politically correct thing) is brutally gang raped,and who subsequently dies in the most gory fashion hitherto not seen or heard.As if that was enough our courts lets go a Juvenile with a simple three years imprisonment,just because he was under eighteen,but quiet capable of committing a gut wrenching crime.
While its okay appreciating the Junior Idols making a mark in India's Musical History,this Junior Rapist thing is beyond my humble comprehension.
While its okay appreciating the Junior Idols making a mark in India's Musical History,this Junior Rapist thing is beyond my humble comprehension.
Today I will not be cynical and accept lying down the fact that a photojournalist of 22 years is again gang raped at Shakti Mills in Mumbai by five people.They are apprehended and arrested.But I will still keep my fingers crossed for our legal system,our so called fast track courts that have "drive slow" stickers all around them.
Today I will not enrage seeing men as besharam,brazen,cowards,hunting in packs.Gadaffis of Gang rape.
Today I will not shout from rooftop that we men have taken you for granted,lost you in the game of dice and disrobed you over 3000 years ago.
You all go crib,resent,get angry,aggrieved,ignite your candles,inscribe your petitions....I am sitting pretty cool.For I have reached the bottom of my cynicism.
Today frankly I am in no mood to lambaste our politicians for bringing this country to the brink of catastrophe.No I am not going to rue the fact that CAD is going out of hands,growth is at all time low.Corruption at all time high.
Today I am not going to outrage the fact that some Godman,in his wisdom molests a teenage and the law goes scurring around just to apprehend him for 10 long days...We as citizens deserve such Godmens..His Assholiness if you may permit.
We have become amoral,antiseptic,anarchic,illicit..."Sab thik thak hain"type of syndrome.
Today I will not outrage the fact,that we have lost our etiquette,Chivalry is Passe.Opening doors for woman has become so 16th century thing.Grace is just about extinct.
I can go on and on ....
But I have a different woman in mind,that gives me hope and optimism too...
"My Kali Kills,My Draupadi strips.My Sita Climbs on the lap of a stranger.All my women militate.They belittle Kings.Take in the Sun...
Go lady go..Take it upon yourself and thrash those idiots sitting there with what ever weapons you have..Take them headlong..Smash them,belittle them..Do it with all your might.
God helps them those who help themselves..
I am sure you all have within you...
Let my cynicism belied.
Oh my... yes thats a lot of cynicism... and mostly I match it..
The courtesay, humility, culture and humanity need to be relearned. All who are parents should teach their young and not go overboard in pampering them into people who are not only useless but shameful.
I am always torn between punishment and mercy......
Excellent....God bless u Rajeshji....I m proud of the Indians like u....I m reading ur block & today is that Black day....My eyes starts watering....Damini....May her Soul rest in Peace....But I think to become Kali or Durga is not only solution....I think the girl's demise should inspire every Indian to protect all women of our country, with deterrent punishment to such criminals and provide safety & security to every woman in our country thru strict laws & impose self decipline in us as a society....In today's scenario coming genertation need the right guidence to lead the country to do away such incidence in future & due diginity and respect r restored to our women folk....Such incidents hv left behind a message of courage, fortitude & fight for justice....Let us not forget such cases like hundreds before....One more thing I strongly believe that blaming the Government or anyone would not help....Indian minds need a drastic changes....let us make a change this time...a change within our society, change in mentality of people & their outlook towards women and pass it on to our children, our frnds, our society, our cities, our country & our world....So that we r not humiliated & ashamed by such incidences....People hv to rise and take responsibility....We r all somewhere, somehow responsible for this....I hv too much hope with our coming generation....Their shoulders r very strong to take such responsiblities.....Lets hope for best.
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